Prefixbox AI Search & Filter for Shopify

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Packages Free Basic Standard Advanced
Price € 0/month € 39/month € 79/month € 139/month
Plan limits Pricing Free Basic Standard Advanced
API request count 2,000/month 12,000/month 51,000/month 102,000/month
Max product catalog size
500 1,000 2,000 4,000

Get a custom quote

Need more API requests or have a larger product catalog? Contact us to get a custom quote.

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Packages Free Basic Standard Advanced
Price € 0/month € 39/month € 79/month € 139/month


Rich Autocomplete Rich Autocomplete Free Basic Standard Advanced
Search Query Suggestions
Product Suggestions
Category Suggestions
Search Engine Search Engine Free Basic Standard Advanced
Faceted Search
Custom Design for Product Tiles Templates Templates Templates Templates
Category Navigation
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Merchandizing Merchandizing Free Basic Standard Advanced
Synonyms 5 25 50 200
Page Redirects 5 25 50 200
Product Promotions 3 10 25 100
Product Catalogue Product Catalogue Pro Grow Grow+ Enterprise
Full catalog indexing 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours 3 hours
Insights & Experimentation Insights & Experimentation Free Basic Standard Advanced
Analytics history 30 days 90 days 90 days 90 days
Search Relevancy Analytics
Autocomplete Analytics
Search Result Page Analytics
Packages Free Basic Standard Advanced
Price € 0/month € 39/monthh € 79/month € 139/month
API request count 2,000/month 12,000/month 51,000/month 102,000/month
Max product catalog size
500 1,000 2,000 4,000

Get a custom quote

Need more API requests or have a larger product catalog? Contact us to get a custom quote.

Learn more
contact us mobile illustration
Packages Free Basic Standard Advanced
Price € 0/month € 39/month € 79/month € 139/month
Rich Autocomplete
Search Query Suggestions
Product Suggestions
Category Suggestions
Search Engine
Faceted Search
Custom Design for Product Tiles Templates Templates Templates Templates
Category Navigation
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Synonyms 5 25 50 200
Page Redirects 5 25 50 200
Product Catalogue
Full catalog indexing 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours 3 hours
Insights & Experimentation
Analytics history 30 days 90 days 90 days 90 days
Search Relevancy Analytics
Autocomplete Analytics
Search Result Page Analytics

Start improving conversion rate and online revenue today with Prefixbox AI Search & Filter for Shopify merchants.

Get it now


What counts as an API request?

An API request is counted every time Prefixbox’s search is called (including every keystroke in Rich Autocomplete and filtering and paging from the AI Search Engine).

For example, a shopper executing the search ‘apple’, will use 6 API requests for Autocomplete and 1 API request for the Search Engine to execute the search:

  • a
  • ap
  • app
  • appl
  • apple
  • search: "apple"

If the shopper then filters one time and pages one time, those actions count as 2 more API requests.

In total, this shopping journey has used 9 API requests.

If you are using AI Navigation or AI Recommend, there are other API requests to consider.

AI Navigation places Related Keyword, Category, and Product suggestions in the Autocomplete, above the results on the SERP, and below the results on the SERP. Due to this nature, whenever a shopper executes a search, 3 API requests will be counted for AI Navigation.

AI Recommend API requests will vary based on how many containers you have placed and where they are located but will work similarly to AI Navigation.

How to get started?

Install  Prefixbox App from the Shopify App Store

Go to your Shopify Admin page

Select Prefixbox App under 'Apps' section in the left menu

Follow the installation instructions - for more, check our detailed documentation

Activate all Prefixbox modules under "Activate modules" menu

Key links